Tantric Initiation in Tripura Bhairavi

24nov(nov 24)17:0028(nov 28)20:00OnlineTantric Initiation in Tripura Bhairavi

Course Details

Tripura Bhairavi, the Fifth of the Mahavidyas, is the Goddess of Fire & Focus, the Ineffable Heat of Tapas.

Her power is first coiled in Muladhara, as the Kundalini serpent, ready to be released into action. As such, Her flame burns all miseries and weaknesses, and finally, purifies the being. Tripura Bhairavi banishes fear, destroys ignorance, and allows her aspirant to easily surpass all hardships.

What You Will Learn:

  • The tantric characteristics of the Goddess Tripura Bhairavi.
  • Invoking the presence of Tripura Bhairavi through special Tantric Rituals & Bhakti (Devotion).
  • Hatha Yoga practice, specific to connecting with Tripura Bhairavi.
  • Communion with Tripura Bhairavi through music meditations.
  • Initiation Into Her beneficial sphere of force, through Her Mantra & Yantra (Tantra Science & Practice)

How You Will Benefit:

  • Through the mature understanding of what Tripura Bhairavi represents, you will feel compelled to love Her, invoke Her, worship Her, and beseech Her Absolute Grace.
  • You will identify with Tripura Bhairavi, through consistent practice of Mantra & Yantra.
  • Doing Tripura Bhairavi sadhana, you will achieve a forceful focusing of consciousness in mind, body, & speech.
  • You will entice Her to reveal the secrets of sublimation and preservation of the sexual energy for spiritual accomplishment.
  • You will Be guided to transcend words, to reach the highest logos, and to look beyond ideas, thoughts, and concepts.
  • You will receive the power of fire & focus, which gives you tremendous willpower. This power grants victory through tapas, and the banishing of all obstacles that create fear. With this, you will also receive the strength to face the negative aspects of your ego.
  • You will receive the many blessings of this fascinating and terrifying Devi, by making friends with Her, and seeing the Divine Being in Her.

Course Requirements:

To join this Mahavidya course, you need to complete:


Sessions: 5 days, 17:00 – 20:00 Bangkok Time.

We are very happy to provide video recordings for most of our workshops, but we strongly recommend attending them LIVE and using the videos as support. As the method used for the recordings is Zoom, we don’t guarantee high-quality performance. Recordings are available for one month after the workshop has finished.


PLEASE NOTE: All our workshops and events are currently offered online only. If you are wishing to attend in presence on Koh Phangan, please express your interest by writing to [email protected]


  • Swamiji


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