Agama Yoga Teacher Training - Module 1

02sep(sep 2)12:0026oct(oct 26)20:00 Has startedFeaturedAgama Yoga Teacher Training - Module 1

Course Details

Become a Deeply Experienced and Vibrant Yoga Teacher!

Enrol in Agama Yoga TTC and become a teacher who is empowered with the skills, confidence & wisdom to present the traditional Hatha Yoga system in a modern world. The classes are taught in an intelligible, easy-to-understand manner while keeping the spiritual essence & integrity of the ancient teachings.

If you are passionate about Hatha Yoga, this is the best course for you. You will learn to perform the ancient practices that heal the body, open the heart, purify, and strengthen the mind, and nourish the Soul.

You will benefit from being part of this course no matter what you are interested in healing, well-being, stress management or spiritual growth. This course is the perfect way to discover Hatha Yoga’s ancient secrets and become a competent Yoga teacher.

Explore the world of yoga and help others experience the benefits of this practice. Our Agama Yoga TTC course will provide you with a comprehensive knowledge of Yogic philosophy, and practice and help you become proficient in Hatha Yoga.

As a student of these disciplines, your knowledge will be well beyond what most people will have experienced or perceived. You’ll come to understand energies within the human body and transmit these. You will gain experience in teaching yoga as part of your training which will prepare you for a rewarding career as an instructor or teacher. Join now!

Participating in this course would benefit everyone – regardless of age, physical flexibility, or previous experience with Yoga.

You can join this course at present or online. If you join online you only need to be present Monday and Wednesday from 12hs to 15hs Thai time (2 times a week), for 8 weeks, and do the Level 1 Program Online by yourself.

What You Will Learn:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of Yogic philosophy & practice.
  • In depth study of Hatha & Kundalini Yoga, Nidra Yoga, Karma Yoga, & Tantra Yoga.
  • Direct perception of the 7 chakras and their role in asana practice.
  • How to transmit energy and feel movements of energy within the teaching space. 
  • Develop the power of mind through concentration and visualisation techniques.
  • How to correct the performance of the yoga asanas, pranayamas, mudras & bandhas.
  • Learn & develop the fundamental qualities of being an exceptional yoga teacher.
  • You will give lectures on profound yogic topics, and hatha yoga classes as part of your training.

How You Will Benefit:

  • Apart from graduating you into an excellent yoga teacher, the practice and knowledge given in the course will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, strengthen your physical body, improve your willpower and self-confidence, create healthy new habits, and find emotional balance and inner harmony. 
  • You will feel your chakras and the energies, and how to direct them to fulfill a specific purpose.
  • You will integrate these rare and exceptional practices into your daily life, thus continuously improving yourself, and the quality of your life.
  • You will learn to go beyond many limitations, transcending them through a positive strong mind, and the right action.
  • You will develop a charismatic presence, which you shall develop into your own unique style as a teacher, inspiring your students into a journey of self-development & self-discovery with genuine care and wisdom.

What You Will Be Able To Teach:

  • ‘The Meditative Yoga Program’ for reducing stress, deep relaxation, and emotional balance.
  • ‘The Dynamic Yoga Program’ for increasing stamina, weight loss, and boosting endurance.
  • 5 in-depth presentations on the foundations of Yoga.
  • 2 powerful Pranayama techniques.
  • 20 Asanas that strengthen the body and mind.


  • Agama Yoga Level 1 (It can be done online /offline, simultaneously).
  • Good understanding of the English language, with the ability to listen, read, and speak.
  •  We also ask that you are in good physical, emotional, and mental health to practice yoga. If you have any limitations or medical concerns, please contact us before applying so we can discuss how we can accommodate you.
  • Passion and desire to practice and teach Traditional Yoga. 

Criteria for certification:

  • Pass the theory exam, demonstrating your knowledge of the practice and its principles. 
  • Pass the practicum exam, where you will be required to guide two 1.5-hour yoga classes. 
  • Complete a 10-hour internship to further refine your teaching skills and knowledge.

We believe that with your dedication, passion, and hard work, you will be successful in completing our TTC and be able to spread the joy and benefits of Traditional Yoga to others. Join us on this exciting journey of growth and transformation!

Testimonials from our students:


Schedule and Course Information:

Teacher Training Course (TTC) Schedule:

  • Monday: 12:00 – 15:00 Thai time
  • Wednesday: 12:00 – 15:00 Thai time
  • Duration: 8 weeks

Any changes to class times will be decided as a group during the course.

Course Access and Requirements:

Upon completing your payment and being accepted into the course, you will gain access to the Level 1 Online Self-Paced Program and specific lectures to prepare you for teaching. The earlier you enrol, the more time you’ll have for practice and study!

Level 1 Re-enrollment Requirement: Even if you have previously completed Level 1, you must retake this course. You can do it Online as a Self-Paced Program, please contact our registration to gain access. 





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  • Amritesha


    Enthusiast of Yoga & Tantra. Doctor of Physics. The desire to understand (and merge) with the Universe, has always been a driving motivation in his life. Born into a German family, he was initially enchanted by the harmonies of music. Subsequently, he studied Western Hermeticism, and worked for numerous years in industries and the field of applied optical science. As the seed of his Soul’s longing for Truth grew stronger, again, he transitioned the dedication of his life. This time, to Yoga & Tantra. By merging his Western Scientific approach with the practical, authentic Spirituality of the East, he feels whole in body, soul and spirit. Practical tantric yoga is a part of his daily routines, through which he enthusiastically enjoys the re-discovery of our mystical true nature.

  • Bhavani


    As a young girl, Bhavani sought secrets of the unknown. She was easily moved to contemplate the deeper meaning of life. Thus, she pursued the mysteries of the forest, stars, and sky. Spending her days in nature, she felt her calling towards a way of life that was very different to the usual.

    The tests of youth led her to Tantra as a teen, to embrace her sexuality (which was fragile, and in need of nourishment and healing). Meeting Agama and her Guru Swamiji Vivekananda (2011), was a huge turning point in her life. She transformed, and felt exhilarated, by the profound teachings and tradition of Tantra Yoga.

    Additionally, Bhavani is a good and loving mother to a wonderful child, who she gracefully grows up with love, spiritual principles, and wisdom. She has dedicated her life, towards teaching Spirituality, and helping to serve others – so they may evolve on this path. Bhavani is a Senior Teacher of Agama Yoga.

  • Leela


    Leela is a passionate teacher and therapist who has been dedicated to the practice of Tantra and Spirituality for over 25 years. Her journey began at a young age when she first learned to work with energy and discovered the connection between body, emotions, and mind.

    With a Master’s Degree in Philosophy and academic studies in Psychology & Sexuality, Leela’s knowledge and expertise have been honed through years of experience and training. Agama played a crucial role in her achievements, which inspired her to continue her evolution and teachings in Koh Phangan, Thailand.

    Leela’s spiritual mission is to spread the knowledge of Spirituality and help those who are curious about it. She is dedicated to helping individuals achieve bliss by integrating the different levels of their being.

    Throughout her career, Leela has worked in different countries such as Japan, India, Indonesia, and now Thailand, where she teaches yoga, tantra, and Taoism. Her passion for the mysteries of the universe led her to start doing astrological charts at the young age of 10, and she continues to merge the rational need for scientific precision with the love and longing of the mystic to help others on their spiritual path.

    Join Leela in exploring the depths of Tantra and Spirituality and discover the magic of energy and its connection to your mind, body, and soul.

  • Lucila


    Lucila’s spiritual journey began in her early childhood, at a Catholic School in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a child, she was fascinated with Churches and Saints. During her adolescence, she faced the temptations of living in a big city, and lost her faith on the path.

    After many travels, studies, and an ardent inner search, a dear friend told her about Agama. Since then, she has never left. She found the true purpose of her life, under the guidance of her beloved Swamiji. Now, she is very enthusiastic about sharing these wonderful spiritual teachings with the world.

  • Muktananda


    Since 2003, Muktananda has been teaching Agama Yoga. He became a Yoga teacher to inspire other people, and to help them evolve on their spiritual path. Yoga teaching is an evolutionary path for him, too. He prefers an action-oriented spirituality and believes that, amongst many such actions, teaching Yoga is very noble, good, and beneficial to all beings.

    Teaching Yoga is a part of his Dharma, in terms of service to humanity and Shiva. Thousands of people have greatly benefited from his love, light, care, and no-nonsense style of teaching. He transmits his profound knowledge and experience in an accessible way, and is beloved for his humour, playfulness, and dedication.

  • Vera


    Vera began her journey at Agama with a Tantra workshop, which inspired her to join the Hatha Yoga Level 1 program to go deeper into the Agama teachings. She soon realised that she had found a true spiritual path and stayed at Agama since then, following the curriculum and reconfirming her commitment to Self-realisation. Becoming an Agama teacher brought a much deeper comprehension of the teachings and strengthened her faith and purpose in life. Vera is grateful to be able to pass on what she has learnt and dedicates her life to be in service to the Truth.

  • Vidyā


    Vidya ‘began teaching’ as a little girl, always wishing to share what she found meaningful and transformative. Initially, she was prone to all physical activities. She practised gymnastics throughout her childhood, giving her a wonderful awareness of her physical body. Vidya was also a committed Christian practitioner. Yet, as she continually sought connection through touch, she found herself frustrated with the religious dogma surrounding sex. Thus, she became an Atheist.

    She left her home country to travel overseas, and an inner journey began.
    After four years of travelling and living abroad, she was guided to Agama.
    She came in search of Sexual Tantra, and the discovery of meaningful relationships. The first lecture she attended, was Isvara Pranidana. She felt so touched, that she then knew she had found her place in the world. Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Sexual Tantra, are Vidya’s favourite tools to access the Divine.

  • Yogita


    Yogita was born and grew up, in Israel. Since a young age, she performed gymnastics, and this gave her a good awareness of the physical body. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, in 2003. After a long unsuccessful spiritual quest in India, she was blessed to find Agama, in Thailand (2006). Thereafter, she committed herself to the practices whole-heartedly, as that is what her soul was longing for. In 2007, she became an Agama Yoga Teacher, and has since taught in various countries worldwide. Yogita, now, is a Senior Agama Teacher. She has has taken numerous Advanced Initiations, in both Yoga & Tantra (the latter, she was empowered to teach, in 2009). She has dedicated a great deal of her time and energy, into the field of sexual healing, and empowerment in light of spirituality.

    Yogita loves to sing, and her voice is one of her greatest gifts. This talent, she uses, to express her devotion to the Divine with Bhakti. Additionally, she has led Bhajan circles for many years. She is extremely passionate about sharing the Tantric Teachings with women. She loves to teach “Complete Femininity”, as it has truly transformed her life, and contributed to her spiritual evolution, as a woman on the Tantric Path.

    Trainings in Psycho-Spiritual work over the last nine years, have also greatly influenced her approach to teaching. Teaching Yoga has increased her enthusiasm for Spirituality, and made her a stronger practitioner. Yogita is eternally grateful to Swami Vivekananda Saraswati, who founded this exceptional yoga school and remains its Head Teacher. His generous heart, and dedication to teaching Yoga, have been an endless source of inspiration on her path – as a disciple and teacher herself.


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