Yoga Level 4

08sep(sep 8)12:0027oct(oct 27)16:00Virtual/ Physical EventYoga Level 4

Yoga Level Details

Levels 4-8

The Orange Sash Program (Levels 4-8) deepens the practice of an aspirant, in all aspects of Yoga (Asana, Pranayama, Concentration, Meditation), with further techniques provided. Discussions into the meaning of each Yama & Niyama (Morals & Ethics) are given, and how they can be incorporated into daily practical life. 3 of the 4 months, focus on the first three chakras: the root chakra (Muladhara), the sacral chakra (Svadisthana) and the navel chakra (Manipura). Initiations into their bija mantras, to be used in Laya Yoga, are also provided.
What You Will Learn:
• New Asanas, Pranayamas, Tratakas, & Meditations.
• Laya Yoga, identifying the Nada & the subtle universal sounds.
• The use of different Tantric Yantras. (Sacred Graphical Symbols)
• More effective pranayamas.
• A deeper comprehension into the essence & nature of the chakras, energy, & consciousness.
• Spiritual tests related to every chakra, do’s/ dont’s in daily life.
• Yogic Knowledge of Diet, Miracles, The Mind, Bandhas, Mudras, Auras, Colour Streams, Ayurveda, & The 3 Gunas.
How You Will Benefit:
• Strengthen your first 3 chakras, & the yogic bodies related to them.
• Understand the first 3 chakras, in relation to daily life.
• Experience the yogic universe unfolding.
• Further purify your nadis & increase your health.
• Deepen your consciousness with higher yogic techniques.
Course Requirements:
Red Sash Exam & The Previous Level.


From September 8th, every Sunday 12:00-16:00 Thai time.




Blue Hall + Zoom

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  • Daniela



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