Art of Dying - Module 1/3

14oct(oct 14)17:0015(oct 15)20:00Event OverFeaturedCompletedOnlineArt of Dying - Module 1/3

Course Details

The Buddha said, “that which is born, must die”.   Death is inevitable. Death is the most certain event that will occur in our lives. Whether death will be the crowning glory of your life or an event to be lamented, will depend on how well you are prepared to meet death when it arrives.

You might be thinking that death is a finality, and the manner in which one dies does not matter. This is grave ignorance. Death is a transition, from one plane of existence to another. And the way one dies will determine the next course of events, which can be an elevated state of existence, or rather mediocre.

The workshop explains the processes one goes through as they approach the moment of death, what happens to the body and soul as the person is dying, and the stages the soul passes through once it has left the body.

This course offers precise instructions for you to identify and recognize the process of death, to eliminate misunderstandings and fears, and to learn yogic methods to prepare for death so that you may embrace death wisely, as well as know-how to support someone else through this process.

Take note, that this is an intensive workshop with plenty of lectures, keeping with the oral tradition of spiritual transmissions. The lectures will be complemented with different styles of meditations, and sessions of Q & A.

What you will learn:

  • You will gain deep spiritual understanding and clarity about this great transition, thus eliminating misunderstandings & fears
  • The intimate & spiritual relationship between the phenomena of life & death
  • The process of death: the premonition, recognizing the signs of death, both objectively & subjectively
  • The samsaric imprisonment due to the existence of karma, attachments, & desires
  • The study of the subtle planes of the universe, forms of existence & locations in the after-life
  • The do’s & don’ts when confronted with death, both for yourself, and your dear ones.  And the metaphysical principles on which these practices are based
  • The Tibetan Phowa technique – the transferring of the Consciousness
  • Breathing technology
  • Secret tantric meditations
  • Special Hatha yoga practices

How you will benefit:

  • You will be empowered and well prepared to greet the grand conclusion of your life with deep peace, awareness, and Grace.
  • You will train yourselves for this ‘crossing over’ with a firm and committed resolve to die consciously, and attain enlightenment and liberation in the moments of death.
  • You will live more mindfully with a moment-to-moment awareness, and find the much-coveted contentment, peace and harmony within yourself. Your life will be a masterpiece of exhilaration, happiness and joy. 
  • You will live your life with a refreshed sense of purpose, and you will strive for excellence in every action of body, speech and mind.
  • You will develop the timeless virtues of compassion, love, right knowledge, wisdom, clarity, and non-attachment, living in harmony with the universal principles, ideals, and higher integrity.

Student Testimonials:

“When my grandfather was approaching his 100th birthday, I knew I wanted to be prepared for his passing and took the workshop. And when I did, I was fascinated beyond words: It was profound and I gained a lot of courage and strength to deal with death. Because although dying is a central part of the human experience, it’s societies last taboo and hardly ever addressed. So, when the time of my grandfather’s death came, I could operate from a place of love instead of fear and sadness and assist him in his process of leaving this life. It was beautiful and deeply transformative. I am beyond grateful for Muktananda´s guidance, wisdom and humour in teaching about death and dying. I realized that facing death is deepening my experience of life, even as a young person.” Pia from Austria.

Course Requirements:

None. All students are welcome.

Watch the masterclass about the Art of Dying


Art of Dying – Hybrid Format

The Art of Dying program will be offered in a hybrid format, combining both recorded classes and live sessions. This is valid for all 3 modules of this workshop. Please check for how many modules you have subscribed to!

It is important to watch recorded classes BEFORE the live sessions!

Recorded Classes: 📹

  • After signing up for the classes, you’ll get access to recorded lessons.
    These recordings are meant for you to watch before the live sessions.
    It’s a good idea to finish watching the recordings before the live sessions so you can fully participate.
  • You can start the course just after you paid!

Live Sessions: 🌟

  • Live sessions will be held online with Muktananda via Zoom. In these sessions mainly we will have Q&A and practice with the teacher
  • Module 1: October 14 and 15, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
  • Module 2: October 29 and October 30, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
  • Module 3: November 12 until November 13th, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Important Note: 📢

  • If you miss a live session, don’t worry. You can send your questions in advance, and the recording will be shared with you.
  • However, we recommend trying to attend the live sessions whenever possible. It’s the best way to fully engage in the teachings and group practice.

We hope this clarifies the format of the Art of Dying program. 🙌

Recordings will be available for 1 year from the purchase date for this workshop


Zoom + Recordings

Online via Live Zoom and Recordings

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  • Muktananda


    Since 2003, Muktananda has been teaching Agama Yoga. He became a Yoga teacher to inspire other people, and to help them evolve on their spiritual path. Yoga teaching is an evolutionary path for him, too. He prefers an action-oriented spirituality and believes that, amongst many such actions, teaching Yoga is very noble, good, and beneficial to all beings.

    Teaching Yoga is a part of his Dharma, in terms of service to humanity and Shiva. Thousands of people have greatly benefited from his love, light, care, and no-nonsense style of teaching. He transmits his profound knowledge and experience in an accessible way, and is beloved for his humour, playfulness, and dedication.


Regular price 260.00  Part 1

Regular price 105.00  Join live! Only for students who have done this course in Agama School.

Regular price 638.00  Buy all three parts of this amazing workshop and get a discount!

Regular price 290.00  Repeat all three parts of this amazing workshop and get a discount! Only if you have done it with Agama School.

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Total Price 260.00 €

Regular price: 260.00 €

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