Art of Dying - Part 2/3

29oct(oct 29)17:0030(oct 30)20:00FeaturedOnlineArt of Dying - Part 2/3

Course Details

In this sequel to the Art of Dying 1, we continue to deepen our study of the phenomena of death, contemplate its profound spiritual significance, and learn how to make the most of the brilliant opportunities to liberate ourselves & others.

In this powerful and life-transforming workshop, you will engage in illuminating insights about the great spiritual opportunities that can be capitalized on. and practices from Indian and Tibetan Yoga traditions, towards attaining spiritual liberation at the moment of death, for yourself and your dear ones.

The workshop explains the processes one goes through as they approach the moment of death, what happens to the body and soul as the person is dying, and the stages the soul passes through once it has left the body, and what can be done to assist the soul towards a positive, elevated destination.

You will learn from the wisdom teachings of the esoteric spiritual traditions, you will unravel the secrets of the human soul and evolution,

What you will learn:

  • The dissolution of the elements process & practices to cultivate awareness & lucidity while experiencing them
  • Introduction to the Bardo Thodol – the Tibetan manual of seeking liberation at the time of death
  • The 3 bardos & the opportunities for Nirvana
  • Special Tibetan meditations
  • Near death experiences
  • Deepening the practice of Pho-wa & variations in practice
  • How to help yourself & others through this grand transition consciously, and with total lucidity 

How you will benefit:

  • You will guide your beloved family and friends transit over to the other side with serenity, more happily, and more consciously, thus facilitating their journey ahead towards elevated realms and positive events in the afterlife.
  • You will acquire the knowledge about the laws of the mind, the law of karma, and the principle of resonance as applied to life, and to the process of death and the afterlife.
  • You will experience an awakening of spiritual aspiration, you will unravel the mysteries of your Soul and its evolution, and you will actively seek out the meaning, purpose, and truth of your life.
  • You will live with a deeper sense of purpose, and to cultivate the divine quality and virtues that fulfill the Soul.
  • You will realize the existence of a perfect, absolute, transcendental universal consciousness, that is all pervading, all knowing, all powerful, and that resides in every being as the Immortal Spirit. 

Student Testimonials:

My name is Michael, I’m from Greece. It seems impossible to overstate how much this workshop affected me and changed the way I perceive death but also life. Death is taboo and there are not many places you can learn about it.

The structure of the workshop is very harmonious both for people with a spiritual background but also for someone without a formal spiritual practice or knowledge.

We learned many philosophical and spiritual approaches to the matter but also a lot of practical things. Many step-by-step techniques on what to do before, during and after death for ourselves and others.

Muktananda guided us with a powerful transmission, passion, spiritual authority but also humbleness and a lot of humour. 

Now the idea of dying sounds more friendly to me. I hope for everyone to have the opportunity to attend this workshop at least once in their lifetime.” Michael from Greece.

Course Requirements:

Art of Dying Part 1. If you have not done it, you can purchase it on the tickets area as ” Recordings part 1 Regular”, and watch all the recordings (Part 1 and Part 2 in your time before Part 2 live sessions. If you have any doubts please contact us.


Art of Dying – Hybrid Format

The Art of Dying program will be offered in a hybrid format, combining recorded classes and live sessions. This is valid for all 3 modules of this workshop. Please check for how many modules you have subscribed to!  It is important to watch recorded classes BEFORE the live sessions!

Recorded Classes: 📹

  • After signing up for the classes, you can access recorded lessons within 48 hours.
  • You can start the course just after you paid!

👉👉 These recordings are meant for you to watch BEFORE the LIVE sessions. The official start date of the course is 4 days before the live sessions, this gives you enough time to see the recordings.

It’s a good idea to finish watching the recordings before the live sessions so you can fully participate.

Live Sessions: 🌟

  • Live sessions will be held with Muktananda online in Zoom. In these sessions mainly we will have Q&A and practice with the teacher
  • Module 1: October 14 and 15, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
  • Module 2: October 29 and October 30, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. To join module 2, one must have done module 1!
  • Module 3: November 12 and November 13, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Important Note: 📢

  • If you miss a live session, don’t worry. You can send your questions in advance, and the recording will be shared with you.
  • However, we recommend trying to attend the live sessions whenever possible. It’s the best way to fully engage in the teachings and group practice.

We hope this clarifies the format of the Art of Dying program. 🙌

Recordings will be available for 1 year from the purchase date for this workshop


Zoom + Recordings

Online via Live Zoom and Recordings

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  • Muktananda


    Since 2003, Muktananda has been teaching Agama Yoga. He became a Yoga teacher to inspire other people, and to help them evolve on their spiritual path. Yoga teaching is an evolutionary path for him, too. He prefers an action-oriented spirituality and believes that, amongst many such actions, teaching Yoga is very noble, good, and beneficial to all beings.

    Teaching Yoga is a part of his Dharma, in terms of service to humanity and Shiva. Thousands of people have greatly benefited from his love, light, care, and no-nonsense style of teaching. He transmits his profound knowledge and experience in an accessible way, and is beloved for his humour, playfulness, and dedication.


Early bird 210.00 

Regular price 105.00  Only for students who have done this course with Agama School.

Regular price 260.00 

Regular price 105.00 

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Total Price 210.00 €

Early bird price: 210.00 €

Regular price: 260.00 €

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