Tantric Initiation in Bhuvaneshvari

22sep(sep 22)17:0026(sep 26)20:00OnlineTantric Initiation in Bhuvaneshvari

Course Details

Bhuvaneshvari is the Goddess of Space and Illusion, the Queen of Maya. All the universe is Her body, and all beings are ornaments on Her Infinite Being. She carries all the worlds as a flowering on Her Own Self-Nature. The Mother creates Space in order to give birth to all things. Similarly, She creates Space within our own consciousness, to give birth to the Divine within us. The heart is where Infinite Space hides within us, and is the real seat of this Divine Mother.

What You Will Learn:

  • The Tantric Characteristics of the Goddess Bhuvaneshvari.
  • Invoking the presence of Bhuvaneshvari through special Tantric Rituals & Bhakti (Devotion).
  • Hatha Yoga practice specifically for connection with Bhuvaneshvari.
  • Communion through music meditation.
  • Initiation into Her beneficial sphere of force through Her Mantra & Yantra.
  • Tantra science & practice.

How You Will Benefit:

  • Opening your Heart & Mind to this resplendent Shakti Bhuvaneshvari, you will feel compelled to love Her, invoke Her, worship Her, and beseech Her Absolute Grace.
  • Through thorough practice with Her Mantra & Yantra, you will attain supreme identification with Her.
  • Doing her sadhana, you will gain true confidence in your quest, and the samsaric fears will be eliminated.
  • Obtain the many priceless favours & immense goodwill of this fascinating Lady of Cosmic Space, whose womb gives birth to all worlds.
  • Beseech Bhuvaneshvari to reveal Her secrets of space, request Her to appease your thirst for Truth, happiness, and freedom.
  • Invoking this Golden-Hued Goddess of Space, She will show you the timeless heart and the power of knowledge to surpass the samsaric dream.

Course Requirements:

To join this Mahavidya course, you need to complete:


Sessions, Daily: 17:00 – 20:00 Bangkok Time. Recordings are available for one month after the workshop has finished.


PLEASE NOTE: All our workshops and events are currently offered online only. If you are wishing to attend in presence on Koh Phangan, please express your interest by writing to [email protected]


  • Swamiji


Early bird 335.00  Yes I want to be initiated into the powerful Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari.

Regular price 168.00  If you have taken this course before.

Regular price 900.00 

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Total Price 335.00 €

Early bird price: 335.00 €

Regular price: 380.00 €

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