Q&A 2+

04feb20:3021:30CompletedOnlineQ&A 2+

Course Details

“All Truth is Eternal. Truth is nobody’s property; no race, no individual can lay any exclusive claim to it. Truth is the nature of all souls.” Swami Vivekananda.

In ancient scriptures, the Samvaad is the process of asking questions to seek answers between the Vakta (speaker) and Shrota (listener). This has been the foundation for passing on ancient wisdom and knowledge, from generation to generation, in India. At Agama, we adore this tradition.

Every Tuesday, we are fortunate to have Swamiji’s guidance as he answers our burning questions. No matter the queries put forth, week upon week, a sense of deep insight is received upon listening to Swamiji’s words as he sheds light on matters of spiritual importance.

On most Tuesdays, Swamiji leads a Q&A session. However, when he is simultaneously leading a workshop, our Advanced Teacher Muktananda conducts the Q&A session.

How to join?

To join the live session, you can find a Zoom link from our Akasha e-learning platform. Now you can also send your questions there beforehand and watch recording if you missed live. If you have finished Level 2 and would like to join your very first time, please send your request with information when did you completed level 2, to our registration office 3 days before and they will create access for you.


Completion of Level 1, a student must have started Level 2


Tuesdays, 20:30  (Thai Time) Akasha+Zoom



Akasha - Agama e-learning platform


  • Swamiji

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