Awakening of the Kundalini
Course Details
The Serpent Power, Kundalini Shakti (the coiled one), represents the enormous untapped potential energy residing within all of us. Revered as a Goddess, She is the force that both enslaves
Course Details
The Serpent Power, Kundalini Shakti (the coiled one), represents the enormous untapped potential energy residing within all of us. Revered as a Goddess, She is the force that both enslaves and liberates the Individual Soul. Coiled, She is the maintainer of the material existence; uncoiled, She is the force which reabsorbs it. This workshop aims to find the perfect balance between transcendence and immanence, Shiva & Shakti.
This retreat involves intensive practice and powerful techniques. Only students who have successfully completed Yoga Level 4 and higher, are permitted to attend this retreat. The practice consists of a lot of pranayama, as well as asana-s and meditation. Thus, to attend, one has to be in very good yogic shape; in body, energy, and mind. The overall time of the daily schedule is 3 hours. This makes the course fairly demanding – in terms of determination, purity, and spiritual aspiration.
What You Will Learn:
- Correct knowledge about Kundalini Shakti. Remove widespread misconceptions in theory & practice.
- Kundalini as described in the classical yogic texts.
- Initiations in extremely potent techniques (Pranayama, Bandhas, & Mudras) to awaken this tremendous power within us.
- How to rise Kundalini in the subtle bodies.
- The process of Awakening Kundalini & its relevance to spiritual development.
- Kundalini in Kashmiri Shaivism – the practice of Shaktopaya & Bhavana.
- The use of music in Kundalini Awakening.
- Kundalini & Chakras – How to blossom the Kundalini & open the chakras.
- How To Awaken Kundalini during tantric sex.
How You Will Benefit:
- You will Awaken Your Kundalini, safely and strongly.
- You will be healthier, stronger, and will enjoy an amplified vitality to invest in your life.
- You will feel energised, as a propulsive force of directed power moves through you.
- You will “dynamize” your sexuality, increase the sexual vital force, and Awaken Kundalini during lovemaking.
- You will unleash your creative potential, in various aspects of life.
- You will enliven the positive emotions and invoke states of Divine inspiration.
- By infusing the Kundalini into your chakras, you will be able to generate huge amounts of energy and direct it towards accomplishing your worldly and spiritual goals
- You will enter deep states of meditation, using this upsurge of energy, and will be able to keep your mind focused and absorbed, propelling yourself progressively higher into states of expanded awareness.
- You will experience the deep inner peace & sublime unconditioned happiness inherent within yourself. The committed and consistent application of this practice will emerge you into States of Superconsciousness (Samadhi)
Student Testimonials:

“The Kundalini Awakening Workshop was really important to my yogic spiritual path. First, because it cleared a lot of questions and myths about the Kundalini Shakti. It also taught me how to bring to practical terms what is necessary to raise it. It showed me how to identify my evolution through my practice, and how to honour this path. I’m very grateful to Agama and its teachers, for bringing this traditional and millennial Tantra Yoga practice to our lives.” Miguel, Brasil.
“If you have been practising yoga for a while, and are wanting to explore an energetic component, then the Kundalini Awakening Workshop is for you. I recently took this Workshop. I was inspired by the teachings on Kundalini Energy and Muktanada’s knowledge and manner. I was also excited, by how the Kundalini techniques we practised during the Workshop, easily increased my energetic awareness. What I took away from this workshop, was new methods and knowledge, that I could put into my regular practice right away. Thank you!” Durga, Canada.
Course Requirements:
Agama Yoga Level 4 started ( not necessary completed).
Watch the Free Masterclass about Kundalini Awakening by Muktananda.
Sessions: Monday – Friday 17:00 – 20:00 Bangkok Time. We are very happy to provide video recordings for most of our workshops, but we strongly recommend attending them LIVE and using the videos as support. As the method used for the recordings is Zoom, we don’t guarantee high-quality performance. Recordings are available for one week after the workshop has finished.
Shiva Hall + Zoom
Enthusiast of Yoga & Tantra. Doctor of Physics. The desire to understand (and merge) with the Universe, has always been a driving motivation in his life. Born into a German family, he was initially enchanted by the harmonies of music. Subsequently, he studied Western Hermeticism, and worked for numerous years in industries and the field of applied optical science. As the seed of his Soul’s longing for Truth grew stronger, again, he transitioned the dedication of his life. This time, to Yoga & Tantra. By merging his Western Scientific approach with the practical, authentic Spirituality of the East, he feels whole in body, soul and spirit. Practical tantric yoga is a part of his daily routines, through which he enthusiastically enjoys the re-discovery of our mystical true nature.
Since 2003, Muktananda has been teaching Agama Yoga. He became a Yoga teacher to inspire other people, and to help them evolve on their spiritual path. Yoga teaching is an evolutionary path for him, too. He prefers an action-oriented spirituality and believes that, amongst many such actions, teaching Yoga is very noble, good, and beneficial to all beings.
Teaching Yoga is a part of his Dharma, in terms of service to humanity and Shiva. Thousands of people have greatly benefited from his love, light, care, and no-nonsense style of teaching. He transmits his profound knowledge and experience in an accessible way, and is beloved for his humour, playfulness, and dedication.
Yogita was born and grew up, in Israel. Since a young age, she performed gymnastics, and this gave her a good awareness of the physical body. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, in 2003. After a long unsuccessful spiritual quest in India, she was blessed to find Agama, in Thailand (2006). Thereafter, she committed herself to the practices whole-heartedly, as that is what her soul was longing for. In 2007, she became an Agama Yoga Teacher, and has since taught in various countries worldwide. Yogita, now, is a Senior Agama Teacher. She has has taken numerous Advanced Initiations, in both Yoga & Tantra (the latter, she was empowered to teach, in 2009). She has dedicated a great deal of her time and energy, into the field of sexual healing, and empowerment in light of spirituality.
Yogita loves to sing, and her voice is one of her greatest gifts. This talent, she uses, to express her devotion to the Divine with Bhakti. Additionally, she has led Bhajan circles for many years. She is extremely passionate about sharing the Tantric Teachings with women. She loves to teach “Complete Femininity”, as it has truly transformed her life, and contributed to her spiritual evolution, as a woman on the Tantric Path.
Trainings in Psycho-Spiritual work over the last nine years, have also greatly influenced her approach to teaching. Teaching Yoga has increased her enthusiasm for Spirituality, and made her a stronger practitioner. Yogita is eternally grateful to Swami Vivekananda Saraswati, who founded this exceptional yoga school and remains its Head Teacher. His generous heart, and dedication to teaching Yoga, have been an endless source of inspiration on her path – as a disciple and teacher herself.