Sacred Heart Meditation

19jul07:0008:00Event OverOnlineSacred Heart Meditation

Course Details

Welcome to the Sacred Heart Meditation Membership, a journey into the heart of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. We invite you to join us every Friday from 7 am – 8 am (France time zone) for guided meditation sessions that will inspire you to connect with your innermost being and discover the peace that lies within.

Weekly Meetings

  • Fridays: 7 am – 8 am (France time zone)
  • First Friday of Every Month: Introduction to the meditation technique of Self Inquiry and the Sacred Heart.

Meditation Sessions

Each session includes:

  • Guidance and invocation to a state of inner stillness and deep self-connection.
  • A short inspirational reading or poem by a mystic on a spiritual insight.
  • Sending blessings and prayers of peace.
  • A consecration of our day to extend the state of reverence to our daily life.

About Self Inquiry and the Sacred Heart

Self Inquiry

According to the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, self-inquiry is a process of diving deep within oneself to discover the true nature of the self. This practice involves continually asking the question “Who am I?” and observing the source from which thoughts and feelings arise. Through this inquiry, one can recognize the true essence of the self, which is beyond the mind and ego—a state of pure awareness and eternal presence.

The Spiritual Heart

The teachings of Hridaya focus on the spiritual heart as the seat of the soul and a reflection of the divine essence. The heart is the center of being, the source of love, and the gateway to the infinite. Through meditation and self-inquiry, we can connect with this sacred space within us and experience the profound peace and oneness that it offers.

Joining the Membership

We encourage new members to join at the beginning of the month so that you can experience the full cycle of sessions. However, you are welcome to join at any time if you feel comfortable entering the process where the group currently stands.

The group operates with a minimum of three active participants, ensuring an intimate and supportive space for all involved.

Membership Fee

The membership fee is a symbol of your commitment to the group process and to attending each session. It is not for the sake of monetary exchange but rather to emphasize your personal commitment and the value you place on your own journey and growth.

Q&A Sessions

After the meditation sessions on Week 2 and Week 4, we offer a Q&A session to provide an opportunity for members to ask questions and seek guidance on their meditation practice and spiritual journey. These sessions allow you to deepen your understanding and share your experiences with the group.

Join us on this beautiful journey as we explore the depths of our inner world and cultivate a state of reverence and connection with the divine essence. Let us walk this path together and embrace the peace and love that resides within our Sacred Heart.


    • Fridays: 7 am – 8 am (France time zone)
    • First Friday of Every Month: Introduction to the meditation technique of Self Inquiry and the Sacred Heart.



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