Art of Dying – Full Course


The course is accessible for 1 year after the purchase. Art of Dying Part 1, 2 and 3. Approx. 50 hours of teaching with Senior Teacher Muktananda

Exclusive 50% Discount for Repeaters!
If you’ve previously attended this workshop and meet the following conditions, you can enjoy a special 50% discount:
Send an email to [email protected] with the following details:
The year, month, and location of your previous workshop attendance.
Your full name. If you have changed your name since your last attendance, please provide the name that will help us locate your previous participation.
Valid for the Past 10 Years: The repeater discount is applicable if you have participated in this workshop within the last 10 years.

Art of Dying Pat 1, 2 and 3. Approx. 50 hours of teaching with Senior Teacher Muktananda.

You might be thinking that death is a finality, and the manner in which one dies does not matter. This is grave ignorance. Death is a transition, from one plane of existence to another. And the way one dies will determine the next course of events, which can be an elevated state of existence, or rather mediocre.

The workshop explains the processes one goes through as they approach the moment of death, what happens to the body and soul as the person is dying, and the stages the soul passes through once it has left the body.

This course offers precise instructions for you to identify and recognize the process of death, to eliminate misunderstandings and fears, and to learn yogic methods to prepare for death so that you may embrace death wisely, as well as know-how to support someone else through this process.

What you will learn:

  • You will gain deep spiritual understanding and clarity about this great transition, thus eliminating misunderstandings & fears
  • The intimate & spiritual relationship between the phenomena of life & death
  • The process of death: the premonition, recognizing the signs of death, both objectively & subjectively
  • The samsaric imprisonment due to the existence of karma, attachments, & desires
  • The study of the subtle planes of the universe, forms of existence & locations in the after-life
  • The do’s & don’ts when confronted with death, both for yourself, and your dear ones.  And the metaphysical principles on which these practices are based
  • The Tibetan Phowa technique – the transferring of the Consciousness
  • Breathing technology
  • Secret tantric meditations
  • Special Hatha yoga practices

How you will benefit:

  • You will be empowered and well prepared to greet the grand conclusion of your life with deep peace, awareness, and Grace.
  • You will train yourselves for this ‘crossing over’ with a firm and committed resolve to die consciously, and attain enlightenment and liberation in the moments of death.
  • You will live more mindfully with a moment-to-moment awareness, and find the much-coveted contentment, peace and harmony within yourself. Your life will be a masterpiece of exhilaration, happiness and joy.
  • You will live your life with a refreshed sense of purpose, and you will strive for excellence in every action of body, speech and mind.
  • You will develop the timeless virtues of compassion, love, right knowledge, wisdom, clarity, and non-attachment, living in harmony with the universal principles, ideals, and higher integrity.


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