We are very happy to introduce the workshop “Tantric Foreplay”, which will guide you on how to deepen your connection with your lover and improve the quality of your lovemaking. If you ever wondered what you can do before lovemaking, this is exactly the right place for you! If you want to be better prepared for sexual intimacy and help your partner open up for a fully ecstatic experience, this workshop is perfect for you.
Many people study the theory of tantric sexuality and even do all the preparation practices alone, but then feel awkward when it comes to the practical aspect of being with a partner in an intimate situation.
How to “warm up” before the sexual union remains quite a mystery, and therefore there’s a need for teachings and practice.
“Foreplay” is often considered as any sexual activity before intercourse.
In this workshop, you will be amazed to discover that there are many activities which are non-sexual, that can lead you and your partner to a beautiful tantric lovemaking through a very deep heart connection, and a state of relaxation combined with sexual arousal.
What you will learn
- A definition for “foreplay” in the light of Tantra.
- The importance of foreplay in tantric sexuality and any intimacy.
- How to create a relaxed environment in which you can both explore your attraction and sexual desire.
- How to connect with your partner in a non-sexual way that can easily lead to sexual arousal.
- How to map your own body’s erogenous zones and support your partner in doing the same.
- How to cultivate sensitivity to subtle energies and use that to get closer to your partner.
- How to communicate with your partner about what you like and what are your desires.
- 20+ exercises to do as your foreplay.
How you will benefit
- Gain self-awareness about your body and what makes you feel pleasure.
- Increase your confidence in the bedroom and intimate interactions.
- Be free and playful to explore different ways of connecting intimately.
- Feel subtle energies of yourself and your partner when building up the pleasure before intercourse.
- Deeply connect to yourself and your partner through the heart.
- Relax and enjoy, be present and communicate with trust and simplicity.
- Remove blockages and fears of intimacy.
- Activate Anahata chakra (the heart centre), and channel the sexual energy for your spiritual evolution.
Course Requirements:
- Conscious Tantric Touch
- Video lectures: chakras, what is tantra.
- Do the course with a partner of the opposite gender. This partner doesn’t have to be your lover, it can be a friend with whom you can do the practice.
- You need to state who is your partner at the moment of subscription
- This workshop will be around 30% theory and 70% practice.
- We will not teach the art of Tantric lovemaking in this workshop. For this, you can join our tantra workshops.
- Recordings will be available for 1 month.